Instructions for use Artrovex

How to properly use a cream for joints Artrovex

Features of application of the cream Artrovex

This Tool requires applying to the affected skin areas with light massage movements twice a day (morning and evening). Thanks to the rapid Absorption of the drug on the skin or clothing does not leave any greasy films and stains. The average therapeutic course lasts 4-5 weeks. If the joint disease found in the initial stage of development, then, in General, only two cycles of treatment, which are worth, take place with a break of 1 month. If the Patient is a started stage lasts for a full treatment of 4 to 6 courses. When the disease manifests itself in the course of time, the Schema of the treatment can be repeated. Cream Artrovex absolutely safe, so there is no fear that the regular use harm your health.

In order to achieve truly effective results, you need to strict compliance with all regulations and recommendations of the manufacturer in the instructions for application to the attached drug. So, the most important point is the strict adherence to the treatment cycles and their duration. Thanks to the efficiency of the flow, if you decide to buy the cream Artrovexyou get the benefit of a packaging in the course of time.

Indications and contraindications Artrovex

The need for order cream for joints is produced in the presence of diseases:

  • Osteoarthritis;
  • Gout;
  • Arthritis;
  • Bursitis;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Heel spur, etc.

In addition, the application of the cream is Artrovex athletes or people who experience due to the nature of their professional activities, often shown by an increased load on the legs.